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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020

The Unemployment, English Work

       The Unemployment BASIC PRIMARLY INFO. What is it? "When persons above a specified age are not in paid employment or self-employment and are currently available for work during the reference period." -Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development To which kind of people is refered this therm? To people who doesn´t have a job, and have a very unestable charge. What are the main causes? -The lack of competent companies in the country -the arrival of immigrants -lack of employment charges -The advance of the technology - fewer jobs than applicants. - Competition in particular industries or companies can also cause the unemployment -The reduced mobility between sectors. -The submerged economy -Very Expensive products, which causes that few people buy there, and people losses their job. -Few stores or places to work What are the main consecuen